A Student and her Tardy Teachers
In which a student learns that in dealing with a pile, mass matters.

A student came to visit a Master, and asked: “Master, I need your guidance. Some of our teachers take weeks or even months to grade our tests. By the time we receive the results, we can hardly remember the questions.”
“I see,” said the Master. “It is difficult to correct mistakes when they are allowed to linger for so long. Do the teachers provide an explanation for their tardiness?”
“Yes, Master”, said the student. “They say we need to be patient because they have this massive pile of tests to grade. However there are other teachers who grade our tests on the same day.”
“I see. And do you observe a difference between the teachers that are quick and the ones that are tardy?”
The student gave the Master a bewildered look, but the Master was looking East, towards the snow-capped peak of Mount Fuji.
The student followed his gaze, and at that moment, she was Enlightened.