My Festive Season’s Wishes to all Reluctant Product Managers
“Remember Jorn, only do positive things”
Cor, my former CPA.

To all Reluctant Product Managers out there
Allow me to extend my very best wishes to you, your colleagues, friends and family.
I wish you a Happy New Year with fewer interruptions and more time in the zone.
Less work in the office, more work from home.
Fewer meetings, more in-depth, long-form writing.
Less estimation, more betting.
Fewer velocity measurements, more queue control.
Less hourly billing, more value pricing.
Less hierarchy, more partnership.
Less capacity utilisation, more value maximisation.
Less doctrine, more trust.
Fewer answers, more questions.
Less agreement on means, more on outcomes.
Fewer wireframes, more rough designs.
Less outdated documentation, more executable specifications.
Less TDD, more BDD.
Fewer feature branches, more feature toggles.
Fewer elbows, more Blue Ocean.
Less persona-based design, more jobs-to-be-done.
Less instant messaging, more Rubber Duck Debugging.
Fewer frameworks, more core web technologies.
Less TailwindCSS, more vanilla CSS.
Fewer devops, more integrated operations.
Fewer teams of five, more teams of two.
Wishing you happy holidays, and a beautiful 2023.
Jorn Mineur