When is a Product “Viable”? When it’s Finished
Why you need not worry about building an MVP.

Popular refrain says that you should launch a bare-bones “MVP”, or “Minimum Viable Product”, before the finished, fully-featured version. An MVP, the thinking goes, could get you valuable real-world feedback and allow you to make adjustments accordingly.
The problem is that in order for a product to be viable, it needs to be useful. The solution needs to be a good fit for the problem at hand. If a product is unfinished, it doesn’t fit. Once it fits, it is finished. There’s no stage inbetween.
People just won’t put up with half-finished work. Chances are that the feedback that you’ll get is exactly about the loose ends that you chose to leave unresolved.
So do not worry about building an MVP. “Viable” and “finished” make a distinction without a difference.