Zen and the Art of Investment
The latest is not always the greatest.

A broker came to see a Master, and said: “Master, I am so excited. I am going to apply Agile principles to all my investment decisions. I will be the first Agile investment broker!”
“I see,” said the Master, thoughtfully. “Enlighten me, what are those principles, and how are they good?”
“Well, I don’t know, Master. The Agile school of thinking has already modernized many other branches of industry. I’ll just be the first to use them in investment. All those Agile businesses can’t possibly be wrong!”
“Is that so,” said the Master. But the broker was not listening. He greeted and rushed off, eager to modernize his business.
When the broker returned a few weeks later, he looked forlorn and dejected.
“What happened?” asked the Master. “Were the Agile investment principles not successful?”
“No, Master,” said the broker. “I did everything by the book. But every investment decision turned out to be incorrect. I lost all my customers’ money, and then I lost their business. Now I am broke, and have nothing left.”
He bent his head in shame and started sobbing.
“Do not despair, my Son,” said the Master. “Why don’t you go to the soup kitchen across the temple yard? Brother Kono may have some leftover porridge for you.”